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-Gateway to a blissful life!
Enjoyment Science Academy

ఆనందో బ్రహ్మా

आनन्दो ब्रह्मा
Support Us
Aanandho Brahma is a Non-Profit Organisation registered to spread awareness on Arts, Cultural Activities and Meditation.
As a part of this program, the organisation incurs sizeable expenditures on the following counts:
1.Maintenance of website
2.Conducting weekly 'Aanandho Brahma' online (Currently happening in Telugu & Hindi) where it involves paid zoom sessions, flyer preparation in regional language,telcasting in YouTube live and certificate distribution for the artists.
3.Annual events & Tyagaraja Aaradhana Utsavam celebrations.
We request, one and all, to avail this divine opportunity by showering donations liberally and reap the benefits of this virtuous deed. Our deepest gratitude, in advance.
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